My meaning of an Idea
I think that an idea is a thought or a process that may or may not develop into something. An idea is sometimes inspired by something that already exists or could be something completely made up that nobody has ever thought of before.
My meaning of a concept
A concept is the meaning behind the product that has been made.
Online dictionary meaning of Idea and Concept
- Moods expressed by the use of colour and make-up
- Transformation
- Masks/ to conceal and to reveal
- To apply make-up on a model for a catwalk to show a series of emotions through different colours
We were all given this page first before we were given our project brief and this was a good way to get us all thinking differently and to start up a blog
We then got into groups and made a mind map to generate ideas from the word 'Cycle' here we came up with different Cycles and then from this mind map gave us all a starting point on different Cycles to look into and to research. Further down my blog you will see that I have researched a variety of these different Cycles and I have explained on some why they will and will not work and some possible ideas for an outcome.
Then after we had started to think about different ideas and concepts we were issued with our project brief wich then told us exactly what we were working towards This was attached to the project brief. It is useful to have a copy of the grading criteria because then it allows us all to know exactly what we must include in order to reach our goals and the grades that we aim for
This is the feed back (after I did my presentation) from the people in my tutor group. This was helpful as it consolidated my room for improvement and any extra ideas I could include.
This is different artists that we looked at in lesson as a starting point to inspire us. Here I have writted down different artists names and then a brief description of what I think there work is about and what they produce. I got this information from a powerpoint presentation that our tutor provided us with
We then got give a problem solving bookelt to help us generate our ideas using different techniques. I found this booklet helpful and it was a good way of opening out my creative side and allowing me to think in different ways
Here shows that you can generate an idea using a list and by brainstorming![](
Here is the fishbone. This is a good way to record your ideas as it keeps your thoughts organised and in order
I then used the fish bone idea generating technique to help solve my question 'How will I get my project completed on time?' This helped me because it allowed me to think of differen anysweres to different individual problems. I would deffinately use this idea again and maybe throughout my project if I have any other questions to solve.
I feel that the list idea in The Problem Solving Pocket Book would be a good idea to use at the start of my project so I know the things I need to consider and I think it will be a useful technique to use whenever I feel like I need to plan my time and the remaining factors I need to work on. The first thing I need to plan before I start my project is what I NEED to do.
(a) What research do we need to make?
I am going to start by researching the meaning of the words 'Idea' and 'Concept' from the dictionary and then I am going to explain what they meen to me
I also need to research different types of Cycles then focuss on my chosen Cycle
I will need to research any artists or designers that will influence my work
(b) Who else will we need to involve?
I will need to involve my tutor group if for example I decide to create a questionaire or include anyone in my project
I will involve my tutors as I will need to talk my ideas through with them and get inspiration
(c) What meterials and facilities do we need?
I will need lots of ways to gather research and information to help me such as magazines, computer, book, problem solving booklet, scanner, paper and pens for drawing and generating my ideas
(d) How much time do we need?
I have 5 weeks to do this project and an extra 4 weeks where we all have time to go back and visit any chosen projects. I will probebly need this extra time if I decide to complete and make a final idea
(e) How much money do we need and where will it come from?
I have shop credit where I can purchase paper and pens from for my project but if I decide I need to buy meterials that are not sold in the shop at college then I will use my own money
(f) What else do we need to carry out this project?
First of all I need to have a clear idea and a clear concept that I can carry out and develop. I then need to produce a series of clear design ideas and explain why I like them or not and why they may or may not work. Finally I will need to then produce this final peice if that is what I decide to do and if I have time